All Classes and Interfaces

A bus journey along bus line paths, represented by an ordered list of paths between bus stops having each a start and end time.
Interface that defines a pause duration generator to calculate pause durations at each stop node.
A Walk that provides BusWalker instances for the journeys of buses of a bus line.
A Walker for a bus that follows a given journey with fixed times at some bus stops.
Profiles representing connectivity typeshaving each their ConnectivityProperties.
Properties for connectivity types: ranges, scanning delays, connection delays.
The keys used to access the properties in the ConnectivityProperties classe.
A panel that looks like a pseudo terminal.
Enumeration of possible locations in a frame limited to the four corners of the frame.
The panel that contains a list of the graph nodes and details about the selected node
Client RMI pour communiquer avec le simulateur Mobsim et ajouter ou retirer dynamiquement des arcs dans le graphe de mobilité.
Stub pour l'ajout et le retrait d'arc dans un graphe dynamique par RMI.
Un GraphWalk dont des arcs peuvent être supprimés ou ajoutés dynamiquement Les arcs sont désignés par leur identifiant dans le fichier DGS.
Un GraphWalker dont les arcs du graphe sous-jacent peuvent être supprimés ou ajoutés dynamiquement par un autre processus via un serveur RMI.
Class used in "manual mode" (ie when no IN_DGS nor WALK_CLASS is supplied) to allow to add and delete edges "manually".
A class used to combine the sometimes contradictory visions of lepton and the hub concerning the status of edges.
Extends the GraphStream FileSinkImages class in order to allow to insert specialized pre-renderers.
Defines pre rendering action on images.
An instance of type GraphWalk defines a mobility model for a random walk that follows edges in a geo-referenced graph.
The mobility of a mobile element that moves along an underlying graph.
A program that launches a network simulation, using a OppNetGraph, and a OppNetConsole to access its methods.
An instance of type LevyWalk defines a mobility model for a random walk that complies with the so-called Levy walk patterns.
The mobility of a mobile element that moves according to the so-called Levy walk patterns.
A Walk that defines a mobility model where nodes move along an underlying graph (GraphWalk), but inside a given area inside this graph potentially smaller than the whole graph area.
A GraphWalker limited to some given area inside the underlying graph.
Associations (nodeId,label) and (label,nodeId) loaded from a file that contains "nodeId=label" lines.
A Edge for a Graph representing a potential/real connection between two OppNode for a given connectivity type.
Class used to dynamically create OppEdge instances.
This interface is implemented by classes that listen to network changes: connections and disconnections between nodes.
This interface represents an opportunistic network composed of devices linked by edges representing actual or possible connections between them.
All methods names in the OppNet interface and their abbreviations to be used as text commands.
Class processing text commands sent through a TCP session by invoking the methods of a OppNetGraph instance.
Interface for class that fire events catched by OppEdgeListener or OppNodeListener instances.
A frame used to display and control a OppNetGraph.
A fully connected opportunistic network: all pairs of nodes are linked together, provided both nodes are online.
A OppNetGraph represents a network composed of devices (OppNode) linked by edges (OppEdge) representing actual or possible connections between them.
A OppNetGraph read from an input DGS file.
A OppNetGraph which nodes move using a Walker.
Class used to generate images from a LEPTON execution in order to make videos.
Typed properties used by the graph and loaded from a configuration file where the property keys are those of the PropertyKey enumeration in downcase characters.
The keys used to access the properties in the OppNetProperties classe.
Class implementing the OppNet methods by sending requests to a OppNetConsole through a TCP session.
Interface defining some methods that may be used by a OppNetGraph to follow some rules while changing the edge/node status.
A Node representing a device in an opprotunistic network.
Class used to dynamically create OppNode instances.
This interface is implemented by classes that listen to network changes: nodes apprearing/disappearing or moving.
A map associating profile names to OppNodeProperties objects.
Properties used for the graph nodes: different nodes may have different properties.
The keys used to access the properties in the OppNodeProperties classe.
An instance of type RandomWaypoint defines a mobility model for a random walk that complies with the so-called Random Waypoint patterns.
A Walker that implements the random way point mobility model.
Defines a step in a Walk.
Fixed-size rectangular area containing a text, that can be inserted in a graphics2d.
Graphe modélisant le parcours d'un tracteur Le parcours d'un tracteur est composé de 3 types de noeud : - le hangar : (unique) noeud étiqueté par le label "warehouse" avec la valeur true - l'entrée des champs : noeud étiqueté par le label "field_entry" avec la valeur true - les sillons dans le champs : ils forment un anneau connecté à la route par une entrée de champ - les routes : relient le hangar aux entrées de champs.
Modélisation du comportement d'un tracteur qui : - quitte le hangar (après une pause aléatoire) - choisi un champ (l'entrée d'un champ) - chemine jusqu'à l'entrée de ce champ en suivant des routes - sillonne le champ - sort du champ - retourne au hangar ou choisit un nouveau champ - recommence après une pause aléatoire dans le hangar.
An interface that defines a mobility model for nodes moving in some area, and provides general-purpose methods for handling Walker instances in MobSim.
A Walker characterizes a mobile element that moves according to a certain kind of Walk.