Package casa.lepton.conf

package casa.lepton.conf
This package provides classes that define properties for the different classes, loaded from configuration files. There are two kinds of configuration files:
  • Configuration files defining properties as "key=value" associations. They are used to initialize ConfigurationProperties objects
  • Profile files defining profiles as groups of "key=value" associations. Each group is preceded by a profile name between '[' and ']'. All properties before the first profile name are common to all profiles. They are used to initialize ConfigurationProfiles objects, that provide ConfigurationProperties objects from profile names
The properties provided by the ConfigurationProperties objects are typed properties initialized from their string representation in the configuration file. OppNetProperties define the properties used for the graph (common properties) and OppNodeProperties define the properties used for the nodes (different nodes may have different properties). The keys used to define de property values are defined by the PropertyKey enumeration. They have the same name in downcase characters in the configuration files. In the configuration files, some values may contain variables in the form ${var} representing other properties defined either in the configuration file or provided as command line arguments.