Package casa.lepton.walk

package casa.lepton.walk
This package is related to the mobility models for nodes moving in some areas. A Walk represents some mobility model, and provides Walker instances for each node that should move according to this model. A node Walker gives the location of the node from a given time. It relies the calculation of Step instances that represent each a linear move between two points called a 'flight', followed by a pause.
  • Class
    A bus journey along bus line paths, represented by an ordered list of paths between bus stops having each a start and end time.
    Interface that defines a pause duration generator to calculate pause durations at each stop node.
    A Walk that provides BusWalker instances for the journeys of buses of a bus line.
    A Walker for a bus that follows a given journey with fixed times at some bus stops.
    An instance of type GraphWalk defines a mobility model for a random walk that follows edges in a geo-referenced graph.
    The mobility of a mobile element that moves along an underlying graph.
    An instance of type LevyWalk defines a mobility model for a random walk that complies with the so-called Levy walk patterns.
    The mobility of a mobile element that moves according to the so-called Levy walk patterns.
    A Walk that defines a mobility model where nodes move along an underlying graph (GraphWalk), but inside a given area inside this graph potentially smaller than the whole graph area.
    A GraphWalker limited to some given area inside the underlying graph.
    An instance of type RandomWaypoint defines a mobility model for a random walk that complies with the so-called Random Waypoint patterns.
    A Walker that implements the random way point mobility model.
    Defines a step in a Walk.
    Graphe modélisant le parcours d'un tracteur Le parcours d'un tracteur est composé de 3 types de noeud : - le hangar : (unique) noeud étiqueté par le label "warehouse" avec la valeur true - l'entrée des champs : noeud étiqueté par le label "field_entry" avec la valeur true - les sillons dans le champs : ils forment un anneau connecté à la route par une entrée de champ - les routes : relient le hangar aux entrées de champs.
    Modélisation du comportement d'un tracteur qui : - quitte le hangar (après une pause aléatoire) - choisi un champ (l'entrée d'un champ) - chemine jusqu'à l'entrée de ce champ en suivant des routes - sillonne le champ - sort du champ - retourne au hangar ou choisit un nouveau champ - recommence après une pause aléatoire dans le hangar.
    An interface that defines a mobility model for nodes moving in some area, and provides general-purpose methods for handling Walker instances in MobSim.
    A Walker characterizes a mobile element that moves according to a certain kind of Walk.