Package casa.lepton.ui

package casa.lepton.ui
This package contains classes related to the graphical representation of LEPTON: OppNetFrame to display and control OppNetGraph in a graphical user interface and OppNetOutput to generate images from a LEPTON execution in order to make videos.
  • Class
    A panel that looks like a pseudo terminal.
    Enumeration of possible locations in a frame limited to the four corners of the frame.
    The panel that contains a list of the graph nodes and details about the selected node
    Class used in "manual mode" (ie when no IN_DGS nor WALK_CLASS is supplied) to allow to add and delete edges "manually".
    Extends the GraphStream FileSinkImages class in order to allow to insert specialized pre-renderers.
    Defines pre rendering action on images.
    A frame used to display and control a OppNetGraph.
    Class used to generate images from a LEPTON execution in order to make videos.
    Fixed-size rectangular area containing a text, that can be inserted in a graphics2d.